Verschlüsselung mit Bitlocker (Windows)
General Information
By installing Windows updates, there is a risk that the encryption may be compromised by the update, so it is strongly recommended that you decrypt the system before the update, perform the update afterwards, and then re-encrypt it.
Activate Bitlocker
Encryption with the Windows on-board tool Bitlocker can run differently in the configuration depending on the built-in TPM (Trusted Platform Module) chip. Encryption with TPM is recommended. In most cases the TPM can be switched on or off in the bios. In the following we want to give the user instructions which we found useful in the system group.
-> Encrypt system partition without TPM [1]
-> Detailed reference book for encryption with bitlocker (with or without TPM) of the FHG [2]
[1] -
[2] Fraunhofer Institut für sichere Informationstechnologie -